Brief Introduction
The Company has drawn up a general safety policy, which must be held and displayed in the Head Office on the Health & Safety Notice board as well as on site locations where possible.
The statement must be brought to the attention of all Company employees as part of their induction training.
The policy details the arrangements within the Company for ensuring Health, Safety and Welfare and identifies the responsibilities for Safety for all employees at every level.
The policy is reviewed at least annually by the Board of Directors and any amendments must be brought to the attention of all employees.
Statement of Intent
- We consider that matters of Health & Safety are equally as important as those of economy and productivity in all of our activities and are committed to ensuring that it is the case in practice.
- We intend to take the lead and set high standards in Health & Safety matters within the contract cleaning industry.
- We will take all steps necessary to comply with UK and European Regulations and standards set by Authorities affecting our activities, and any future standards of protection.
- We will ensure, by regularly reviewing and assessing all of our activities, as far as is reasonably practicable, the Health & Safety at Work of all of our employees, clients, and of others who may be affected by our operations, such as members of the public, contractors working and visitors to our sites.
- We will provide information, instruction and training to all our employees at all levels about Health & Safety hazards to minimise the risks.